
A range of accessories are now available - most items are usually in stock. The most recent items in each section are generally listed first, making it easier to see the most recent additions.

T001 NBR pre 1900 Locomotive Transfers 15.00GBP
T002 NBR post 1900 Locomotive Transfers 15.00GBP
T003 NBR post 1915 Locomotive Reporting Numbers 15.00GBP
T004 NBR pre 1900 Coach lettering 15.00GBP
T005 NBR post 1900 Coach Lettering 20.00GBP
T006 NBR Crest Transfers (price per crest) 2.00GBP
T007 NBR / LNER Scotsman Passenger Brake Van Transfers 27.50GBP
T7820 NBR general purpose Transfers 9.50GBP
T7821 NBR Ballast wagon Transfers 9.60GBP
Coach Accessories
7133MI 4' 0" Mansell Coach Wheels (inside bearings). 12.50GBP
7133MO 4' 0" Mansell Coach Wheels (outside bearings). 12.50GBP
A100 Coach Seating (price per metre pro-rata). 7.00GBP
LWB142 NEW - NBR Oil Axle Boxes (6) 6.00GBP
ROOF001 Styrene Roof (injection moulded) for pre-grouping (7'6" wide) coaches - sold in lengths of 213mm which can be cut and joined together with Slaters Mek-Pak 5.00GBP
EB017 NEW - NBR 6-wheel Coach Springs (1 set). 6.50GBP
LWB021 NBR 3rd Class Door Ventilators (shorter) 9.50GBP
LWB020 NBR 1st Class Door Ventilators (longer) 9.50GBP
LWB133 NBR Gas Lamp Covers (n = 6) 6.00GBP
LWB030 NBR Oil Lamps and holders (7 sets) 10.50GBP
LWB108 NBR/LNER/BR Westinghouse Pipes (x2) 4.00GBP
LWB015 LNER Turnbuckles 9.50GBP
LWB010 NEW - NBR / LNER Coach Fittings 9.50GBP
LWB009 Coach / Brake Van Running Board Brackets (x8). 9.50GBP
LWB007 Coach Underframe Queen Posts (x4). 8.50GBP
A036 Coach Door 'T' Handles (x10) 6.50GBP
Lost Wax Brass Castings (groups of castings)
LWB033 NBR/LNER/ Signal Post Components. 9.50GBP
LWB031 NBR/LNER/BR Brake Pipes and Steam Heating Pipes. 9.50GBP
LWB014 NBR/LNER/BR Westinghouse Pump (x1), Rectangular Safety Valve Base (x1), Ross Pops (x2), Sandbox Filler Lids (x4). 12.50GBP
LWB013 NBR/LNER/BR N14 / N15 Steam Injectors (x2), Vacuum Ejector, Regulator Handle and 3 cab dials. 9.50GBP
LWB012 NBR/LNER/BR N14 / N15 'Cab Pack' comprising of Backhead, Steam Injectors (x2), Vacuum Ejector, Regulator Handle and 3 cab dials. 15.00GBP
LWB011 NBR/LNER/BR 'Steam Accessory Pack' including Steam Heating Pipes (x2), Tall Vaccum Pipes (x2), Short Vaccum Pipes (x2), Westinghouse pipes (x2), Whistle, Tallow Cups (x2), Ross Pop Safety Valves (x2), Smokebox Dart, Blower Valve and Brake Standard - suitable upgrade for Connoisseur / Claymore kits, etc. 20.00GBP
LWB009 Coach / Brake Van Running Board Brackets (x8). 9.50GBP
LWB008 Horse Box Platform Release Levers (x4). 9.50GBP
LWB006 Wagon Brake Lever Guides (x6). 9.50GBP
LWB004 Wagon Brake Lever Guides for GER Single Bolster (x4). 9.50GBP
LWB003 Horse Hooks (x8). 9.50GBP
LWB001 NBR/LNER/BR Snifting valves (x2), NBR Pepperpots (x2), Ross pops (x2), GNoS snifting valves (x2). 9.50GBP
Lost Wax Brass Castings (Individual Castings)
LWB141 NBR Non Lifting Injectors (Drummond) - x2 15.00GBP
LWB140 NBR Tender Brake Standard 3.50GBP
LWB139 NBR (Holmes) Clack Valves and steam keys - x2 9.50GBP
LWB138 NBR Ramsbottom Safety Valve 5.00GBP
LWB137 NBR 'Gravedigger' tender axleboxes and springs (x6) 22.50GBP
LWB129 NBR/LNER/BR Loco Lamps (x4). 4.00GBP
LWB132 NBR/LNER/BR Loco Lamps (x4) - alternative design. 4.00GBP
LWB144 NBR/LNER/BR Double Aspect Brake van Lamps (x4) - alternative design. 4.00GBP
LWB131 NBR (Drummond) Clack Valves with copper wire - x2 5.00GBP
LWB130 NBR/LNER/BR Wakefield Mechanical Lubricator (1 part with fixing bracket). 1.50GBP
LWB128 NBR/LNER/BR Tender Fire Iron Carriers. 4.00GBP
LWB127 NBR/LNER/BR Sandpipes. 4.00GBP
LWB126 NBR/LNER/BR Wakefield Mechanical Lubricator (3 parts). 4.00GBP
LWB125 NBR/LNER/BR Tallow Cups (x2). 4.00GBP
LWB124 NBR/LNER Steam Jet Retarder 4.00GBP
LWB123 NBR/LNER/BR Water Tank Filler Lids (x2) 6.00GBP
LWB122 NBR/LNER Pyrometer. 4.00GBP
LWB121 NBR/LNER/BR Washout Plugs smaller casing (x4). 5.00GBP
LWB120 NBR/LNER/BR Washout Plugs larger casing (x4). 5.00GBP
LWB119 NBR/LNER/BR Piston Valve Covers (C16). 4.0GBP
LWB118 NBR/LNER/BR Ross Pop Safety Valves - short (x2). 3.50GBP
LWB117 Great Central Screw Reverser 4.00GBP
LWB116 NBR/LNER/BR Steam Heating Pipes (x2). 4.50GBP
LWB115 NBR/LNER/BR Blower Valve. 2.00GBP
LWB114 NBR/LNER/BR Short Vaccum Pipes (x2). 4.50GBP
LWB113 NBR/LNER/BR Tall Vaccum Pipes (x2). 4.50GBP
LWB112 NBR/LNER/BR Lock-up safety Valves (x2). 3.00GBP
LWB111 NBR/LNER/BR Backhead (N14 / N15). 8.50GBP
LWB110 NBR/LNER/BR Snifting Valves (x2). 3.00GBP
LWB109 NBR/LNER/BR Whistle. 2.50GBP
LWB108 NBR/LNER/BR Westinghouse Pipes (x2). 4.00GBP
LWB107 NBR/LNER/BR Smokebox Dart. 3.00GBP
LWB106 NBR/LNER/BR Inverted Pepper Pots (x2). 4.50GBP
LWB105 NBR/LNER/BR Locomotive Brake Standard. 2.50GBP
LWB104 NBR/LNER/BR Sandbox Filler Lids (x4). 4.00GBP
LWB103 NBR/LNER/BR Ross Pop Safety Valves - tall (x2). 3.50GBP
LWB102 NBR/LNER/BR Rectangular Safety Valve Base. 3.00GBP
LWB101 NBR/LNER/BR Westinghouse Pump. 6.00GBP
LWB151 GNoS/LNER/BR Snifting Valves (x4). 4.00GBP
Whitemetal Castings: Given that I cannot order individual castings but rather an entire mould, and the fact that some items simply don't sell, I have had no choice but to put up some prices in this section of the catalogue in order that it does not run at a loss. Whilst prices for individual castings have gone up, the price for complete sets of castings has come down significantly.
WM001 Set of NBR/LNER/BR N14 / N15 Whitemetal castings including Tall and Short Chimneys, Round-Top and Flat-Top Domes, Round and Rectangular Safety Valve Bases, Smokebox Door, Piano Front, Sandbox Lids, Water Tank Balance Pipe, Westinghouse Pump, Lock-up Safety Valves, Backhead and 3 cab dials. Please consult the image for confirmation of what you get! 25.00GBP
WM002 Set of NBR/LNER/BR C16 Whitemetal castings including Chimney, Dome, Round and Rectangular Safety Valve Bases, Smokebox Door, Sandbox Lids, Roof Ventilator, Sandboxes, Westinghouse Pump, Backhead and 3 cab dials. 25.00GBP
WM003 Set of NBR/LNER/BR J88 Whitemetal castings. 25.00GBP
WM121 NBR/LNER/BR Holmes G7 Chimney. 6.00GBP
WM102 NBR/LNER/BR Holmes (shorter) straight Chimney (N14 / N15 / early J36). 6.00GBP
WM101 NBR/LNER/BR Reid (taller) Tapered Chimney (N14 / N15). 6.00GBP
WM124 LNER/BR 'Gartverrie' shortened J36 Chimney. 6.00GBP
WM112 NBR/LNER/BR Reid Short Chimney (C16). 6.00GBP
WM127 LNER/BR J88 'stovepipe' Chimney. 6.00GBP
WM128 LNER/BR J88 Chimney. 6.00GBP
WM122 NBR/LNER/BR Holmes G7 Dome (flat top for lock-up safety valves). 6.00GBP
WM123 NBR/LNER/BR Holmes G7 Dome (round top). 6.00GBP
WM134 NBR/LNER/BR Reid J88 Dome (flat top for lock-up safety valves). 6.00GBP
WM135 NBR/LNER/BR Reid J88 Dome (round top). 6.00GBP
WM103 NBR/LNER/BR Reid Round Dome (N14 / N15). 6.00GBP
WM113 NBR/LNER/BR Reid Round Dome (C16). 6.00GBP
WM104 NBR/LNER/BR Reid Flat-Topped Dome (N14 / N15). 6.00GBP
WM125 LNER/BR 'Gartverrie' shortened J36 Dome. 6.00GBP
WM105 NBR/LNER/BR Round Safety Valve Base. 5.00GBP
WM126 NBR/LNER/BR Small Round Safety Valve Base (J88). 5.00GBPP
WM120 NBR/LNER/BR Tender toolbox. 6.00GBP
WM119 NBR/LNER/BR Westinghouse Pump 5.00GBP
WM106 NBR/LNER/BR Smokebox Door (N14 / N15). 6.00GBP
WM114 NBR/LNER/BR Smokebox Door (C16). 6.00GBP
WM129 NBR/LNER/BR Smokebox Door (G7). 6.00GBP
WM130 NBR/LNER/BR Smokebox Door (J88). 6.00GBP
WM106 NBR/LNER/BR Smokebox Door (N14 / N15). 6.00GBP
WM107 NBR/LNER/BR Piano Front 5.00GBP
WM108 NBR/LNER/BR Water Tank Balance Pipe (N14 / N15 / J83). 5.00GBP
WM117 NBR/LNER/BR Sand Boxes (C15/C16) 5.00GBP
WM132 NBR/LNER/BR Sand Boxes X2 (J88) 5.00GBP
WM115 NBR/LNER/BR Backhead (N14 / N15). 6.00GBP
WM116 NBR/LNER/BR Backhead (C16). 6.00GBP
WM131 NBR/LNER/BR Backhead (J88). 6.00GBP
WM133 NBR/LNER/BR Cylinder Brackets (J88). 6.00GBP
WM109 NBR/LNER/BR Cab Roof Ventilator (N14). 3.50GBP
WM110 NBR/LNER/BR Cab Roof Ventilator (N15). 3.50GBP
WM111 NBR/LNER/BR Cab Roof Ventilator (C16). 3.50GBP
EB022 Coach Roof Handrails Jig. 2.50GBP
EB021 NEW - NBR Point Levers (Alternative Design) 2.50GBP
EB019 NBR Station Poster Boards (3 x small). 3.00GBP
EB018 NBR Station Poster Boards (1 x large + 2 x small) 3.00GBP
EB016 NBR Reversing Lever. 2.00GBP
EB015 NBR Mileposts. 2.50GBP
EB014 NBR Point Levers (x2). 5.00GBP
EB013 Etched Brass North British Railway 3500 gallon open tender coal rails. 7.50GBP
EB012 Etched Brass North British Railway 2500 gallon open tender coal rails. 7.50GBP
EB011 NBR J36 tender weatherboard (Steel) with opening doors - ready built (can be fitted retrospectively to Majestic / Connoisseur tender kits). 20.00GBP
EB010 NBR J36 tender weatherboard (wooden) - ready built (can be fitted retrospectively to Majestic / Connoisseur tender kits). 20.00GBP
EB009 LNER / BR 'Gartverrie' J36 cab conversion etches - (can be used to modify Majestic / Connoisseur J36 kits). 25.00GBP
EB008 Etched Brass Westinghouse Cylinder (two sides plus wrapper). 5.00GBP
EB007 Etched Brass Sewar Covers ('Stinkies'). 4.00GBP
EB006 Etched Brass Drain Covers (square). 4.00GBP
EB005 Etched Brass Drain Covers (rectangular). 4.00GBP
EB004 Etched Brass mixed Sewar and Drain covers. 4.00GBP
EB003 Etched Brass Cab Steps (1 pair). 2.00GBP
EB002 Etched Brass Coupling Plates / Works Plates. 5.00GBP
EB001 Etched Brass Coupling Hooks (12 pairs). 5.00GBP
General Items:
A001 Turned Brass Buffers with fully sprung steel heads for most North British Railway locomotives (suitable upgrade for Connoisseur / Claymore kits). 9.00GBP
A002 145 degreesC solder in wire form (1.0mm dia x 2m length). 3.00GBP
A003 Half Round Brass Wire (1.0mm x 0.5mm x 1.5m length). 7.00GBP
A004 Phosphor-Bronze Wire (1.25mm x 0.25mm x 1.0m length). 2.00GBP
A036 Coach Door'T' Handles (x10) . 6.50GBP
A005 Turned Brass Short Handrail Knobs (x10) . 3.00GBP
A006 Turned Brass Medium Handrail Knobs (x10) . 3.00GBP
A007 Turned Brass Long Handrail Knobs (x10). 3.00GBP
A008 Turned Brass Plain Flangeless Handrail Knobs (x10). 4.00GBP
A009 Screw Link Couplings (1 pair). 9.00GBP
A014 Copper Coated Fine chain (1m). 3.00GBP
A018 3/16" Locomotive Frame Bushes (pack of 8) 4.50GBP
A031 Brass 8BA 1/4" Cheesehead Machine Screws and Nuts (x10). 4.00GBP
A023 Brass 8BA 1/2" Cheesehead Machine Screws and Nuts (x10). 4.00GBP
Cellulose Paints:
PAINT001 N.B.R. Green (50mL) to be diluted 1 in 3 with thinners prior to use. Due to new Royal Mail regulations we are no longer able to send this item in the post. out of stock
Photographs (12" x 8"):
PHOTO Any of the photographs in the NBR Galleries can be purchased as 12" x 8" prints (made to order) - please specify which photograph(s) you require. 15.00GBP inc postage
Slaters Wheels:
7133MI 4' 0" Mansell Coach Wheels (inside bearings). 12.50GBP
7133MO 4' 0" Mansell Coach Wheels (outside bearings). 12.50GBP
7830D Slaters 2' 6" disc bogie wheels (Drummond D51). 19.00GBP
7842 3' 6" 10-spoke bogie wheels (C15 / C16 / D32 / G7 / G8). 20.00GBP
7849NB Slaters 4' 3" 10-spoke driving wheels (Wheatley Y10). 28.00GBP
7854LB 4' 6" 14-spoke driving wheels (J83). 28.00GBP
7854NB 4' 5" 14-spoke driving wheels (N14 / N15). 28.00GBP
7860CR 5' 0" 16-spoke driving wheels (J35 / J36 / J37). 28.00GBP
7869E 5' 9" 18-spoke driving wheels (C15 / C16 / G7 / G8). 28.00GBP
7872NE 6' 0" 20-spoke driving wheels (D32). 28.00GBP
7845 3' 9" 10-spoke trailing wheels (N14 / N15 / C15 / C16). 20.00GBP
7848 4' 0" 12-spoke tender wheels (J36 - 2500g tender). 20.00GBP
7848GE 4' 0" 10-spoke tender wheels (D32 / J35 / J37 - 3500g tender). 20.00GBP
7120 3' 1" 8-split spoke wagon wheels. 11.50GBP
7157 Plunger Pickups (set of six). 15.50GBP
M7023 Screw Link Couplings. 11.20GBP
M7909 LNER / SR Sprung Buffers (Stepped Parallel. 12.00GBP
M7212 Coach Dynamo with Suspension Bracket and adjusting bar. 8.00GBP
X78001 Allen key for 7mm axles. 3.30GBP
Motors / Gearboxes:
M002 Canon 1833 Motor and Rigid Gearbox (36:1). 65.00GBP
M003 Canon 1833 Motor and Rigid Gearbox (40:1). 65.00GBP
Previous Canon Motor and rigid gearbox. A001:  N.B.R. Heavy Duty Sprung Buffers. Next
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Canon Motor and rigid gearbox.
Available with 36:1 or 40:1 rigid gearboxes at 65.00GBP